Search code examples

How to update DataGrid table after some time

I'm working on an application that reads emails, extracts data from them and prints them in DataGrid (as alerts or notifications). The data is stored in a DB.

Here's the scenario: A new email with data arrives, if a new alert does not arrive within a specific time slot(say within 5 minutes) from the same customer, with the opposite result(e.g. 1st alert was FAIL, 2nd SUCCESS => negation), the alert in the Datagrid is just updated.

Where is my problem: In the part where I want to update the alert, a new alert is added, which causes a duplicate and the table is confused. And it does not update when new negation alert arrives.

NOTICE: My application is larger, to better demonstrate my problem, the example is in the consol application. But with a few modifications, the code is the same

Here is my code:

Method, which read and extract data

public void MailKitLib(EmailParser emailParser)
                using (var client = new ImapClient())
                    using (var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource())
                        client.Connect(emailParser.ServerName, emailParser.Port, emailParser.isSSLuse,
                    client.Authenticate(emailParser.Username, emailParser.Password, cancel.Token);

                    var inbox = client.Inbox;
                    inbox.Open(FolderAccess.ReadOnly, cancel.Token);

                    Console.WriteLine("Total messages: {0}", inbox.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("Recent messages: {0}", inbox.Unread);

                    for (int i = 0; i < inbox.Count; i++)
                        var message = inbox.GetMessage(i, cancel.Token);
                        MyAlert alert = new MyAlert(message.MessageId, message.Date.DateTime, message.Subject, message.Subject);
                    if (!MyAlert.alerts.Any(x => x.Id.Equals(alert.Id)))
                        MyAlert.alerts.Add(alert);\\Think of it as a method that saves the object to the database 



Method checking for updates

 public void CheckForUpdates(MyAlert alert)

    double result = 0;
    foreach (var item in MyAlert.alerts.Select(x => x.NameOfCustomer.Equals(alert.NameOfCustomer)))
        if (item)
            for (int i = 0; i < MyAlert.alerts.Count(); i++)
               result = MyAlert.alerts[i].Date.Minute - alert.Date.Minute;
                Console.WriteLine("Result of:" + MyAlert.alerts[i].NameOfCustomer + " " +
                                    "and" + " " + alert.NameOfCustomer + " " + "is:" + result);

                if (result > 0 && result <= 5)
                    Console.WriteLine("You HAVE TO UPDATE this" + " " + MyAlert.alerts[i].NameOfAlert);
                    MyAlert.alerts[i].NameOfAlert = "UPDATED";
                    Console.WriteLine("You DON'T have to UPDATE this:" + " " + MyAlert.alerts[i].NameOfAlert);

    Console.WriteLine("Wave:" + MyAlert.alerts.Count);



  • This is how I figured this out with DB

     public double GetInterval(DateTime a, DateTime b)
                return a.Subtract(b).TotalMinutes;
            public void FindUpdate(Alert newAlert, Alert matchAlert)
                //If new Alerts arrives from same customer with same problem till five 5 minutes
                if (dAOAlert.GetAll().Any(x => x.Email.Equals(newAlert.Email) && x.Problem.NameOfAlert.Equals(newAlert.Problem.NameOfAlert))
                    GetInterval(newAlert.Date, matchAlert.Date) > 0 && GetInterval(newAlert.Date, matchAlert.Date) <= 5)
                    //Find that Alert, and update his variables from alert, else save new alert
                    var item = dAOAlert.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email.Equals(newAlert.Email) && x.Problem.NameOfAlert.Equals(newAlert.Problem.NameOfAlert));
                    dAOAlert.Update(item, newAlert);

    And this is how I have used this in Main method

    for (int i = 0; i < inbox.Count; i++)
                                var message = inbox.GetMessage(i, cancel.Token);
                                GetBodyText = message.TextBody;
                                Problem problem = new Problem(message.MessageId);
                                if (!dAOProblem.GetAll().Any(x => x.Message_Id.Equals(problem.Message_Id)))
                                    Alert alert = new Alert(message.MessageId, message.Date.DateTime, message.From.ToString(), 1, problem.Id);
                                    if (!dAOAlert.GetAll().Any(x => x.Id_MimeMessage.Equals(alert.Id_MimeMessage)))
                                        foreach (var item in dAOAlert.GetAll())
                                            FindUpdate(alert, item);