I have a Powerform that people sign online. I want users to be able to send that same Powerform from SFDC account object. How do I pass account id to the Powerform. I have added merge field, but it is throwing error saying subject doesn't exist.
Using the PowerForm URL, you can set tab values in the document and meta-data (Envelope Custom Fields) in the envelope.
Example: You have a tab in the template's document with the data name "accountID". The role
name for the signer is signer
Set the tab to be locked. This prevents any of the signers from changing it. (Makes it read-only.)
Create a PowerForm from the template. Receive back the PowerForm URL.
Example: https://demo.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=8883&env=demo&acct=7a9312b8&v=2
Program Salesforce to send the PowerForm with the accountID set to "123":
Example: https://demo.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=8883&env=demo&acct=7a9312b8&v=2&signer_UserName=Larry%20Kluger&signer_Email=larry.kluger@example.com&signer_accountID=123
In step 3, you are programming Salesforce to dynamically create a URL that includes data from the current Account object. If you don't know how to do that, ask a new question in the Salesforce stackOverflow channel.
See the Programming PowerForms video.