Search code examples

Table so wide, the width should be 750px in the heading

Here is the problem I got. Please see the attached screen capture.

Wide Column A:
Wide Column A

I want the SPRINKLER DUTY REQUIREMENT/S to be 750px same as the ANNUBAR FLOW TEST RESULTS. And also please check the screenshot. My inches of mercury column is so wide. I will only adding number 0 to 34 for that.

Here is my code:

<!-- Chart Nine Body -->
<div class="row g-0" id="chartNine" style="display:none;">
    <h4 class="card-title">TOWN'S MAIN FED - SPRINKLER ANNUBAR FLOW TEST</h4>
    <table id="dataTable2">
                <th>SPRINKLER DUTY REQUIREMENT/S</th>
                    <input type="text6" value="0" />
                    <label> L/MIN @ </label>
                    <input type="text6" value="0" />
                    <label> KPA </label>
    <button onclick="addTable('dataTable2');">+</button>
    <table id="dataTable3">
                <th>ANNUBAR FLOW TEST RESULTS</th>
                <td style="background-color: gray">
                    INCHES OF MERCURY
                <td style="background-color: gray">
                     MODEL 20T, SINGLE MOUNT 3/8" Dia Probe Size
                         <option disabled selected style="font-weight: bold">SELECT AN OPTION</option>
                         <option>20T DN50</option>
                         <option>20T DN65</option>
                         <option>20T DN80</option>
                         <option>20T DN90</option>
                         <option>20T DN100</option>
                         <option>20T DN125</option>
                         <option>20T DN150</option>
                <td style="background-color: gray">
            <td style="background-color: gray">
                INCHES OF MERCURY
        <td style="background-color: gray">
            <label>MODEL 20T, SINGLE MOUNT 3/8" Dia Probe Size
                         <option disabled selected style="font-weight: bold">SELECT AN OPTION</option>
                         <option>20T DN50</option>
                         <option>20T DN65</option>
                         <option>20T DN80</option>
                         <option>20T DN90</option>
                         <option>20T DN100</option>
                         <option>20T DN125</option>
                         <option>20T DN150</option>
        <td style="background-color: gray">
            <label for="range1">
            <input type="text6" value="0" />
    <div class="box" style="width: 750px;">
        <canvas id="nineChart" style="display:none;"></canvas>

And here is my function:

#dataTable2 {
        counter-reset: nRow;

    #dataTable2 thead th {
        font-size: 1.2em;
        padding: .4em 0;
        background-color: gray;
        min-width: 34rem;
        width: 290px;
    #dataTable3 thead th {
        font-size: 1.2em;
        padding: .4em 0;
        background-color: gray;
        min-width: 34rem;
        width: 290px;
    #dataTable3 div:first-child
    /*#dataTable3 tbody tr td label:nth-child(1) {*/
    /*    display: inline-block;*/
    /*    width: 2em;*/
    /*    text-align: center;*/

    #dataTable2 tbody tr td label:nth-child(1) {
        display: inline-block;
        width: 2em;
        text-align: center;

    #dataTable2 tbody tr td label:nth-child(1)::before {
        counter-increment: nRow;
        content: counter(nRow);

I really need your help. It would benefit me, thank you so much!


  • Did you try to insert a fixed width?

      <!-- Chart Nine Body -->
                <th style="width: 750px;">SPRINKLER DUTY REQUIREMENT/S</th>