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Access Job Parameter in Custom ItemProcessor

I am implementing a custom ItemProcessor<I, O> in spring batch for processing data from a Rest api .

I want access some values from jobParameter inside my ItemProcessor class . Any suggestion on how to do that ?

In Tasklet we can access JobParameter but not sure how to do in ItemProcessor .

public class MyItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<User, UserDetails> {

    public UserDetails process(User user) throws Exception {
        // access values from job parameter here

        return null;


  • You can make your item processor step-scoped and inject job parameters in it. The following is one way of doing that:

    public class MyItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<User, UserDetails> {
        private JobParameters jobParameters;
        public UserDetails process(User user) throws Exception {
            // access values from job parameter here
            return null;

    You could also inject a specific parameter if you want with something like the following:

    public class MyItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<User, UserDetails> {
        private String myParameter;
        public UserDetails process(User user) throws Exception {
            // use myParameter as needed here
            return null;

    Since field injection is not recommended, you can inject job parameters in your item processor when you define it as a bean, something like:

    // Note how nothing related to Spring is used here, and the processor can be unit tested as a regular Java class
    public class MyItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<User, UserDetails> {
        private String myParameter;
        public MyItemProcessor(String myParameter) {
            this.myParameter = myParameter;
        public UserDetails process(User user) throws Exception {
            // use this.myParameter as needed here
            return null;

    Once that in place, you can declare your item processor bean as follows:

    public MyItemProcessor itemProcessor(@Value("#{jobParameters['myParameter']}") String myParameter) {
        return new MyItemProcessor(myParameter);

    Fore more details about scoped beans, please check the documentation here: Late Binding of Job and Step attributes.