Actually 2 part question here. The code below outputs nothing but 1000 blank lines to the csv. I'm just trying to output a random range of numbers to a csv and I actually need to follow up with 4 more columns of randomly generated numbers like this first attempt so the second part of this is after getting this first issue resolved how would I direct the next ranges to the other columns?
Get-Random -Count 998 -InputObject (8000..8999) | Export-Csv -Path SingleColumn.csv -NoTypeInformation
same as ConvertTo-Csv
is not designed to deal with array of values:
0..10 | ConvertTo-Csv # Outputs `AutomationNull.Value`
Both cmdlets require you to feed them objects:
0..10 | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ foo = $_ } } | ConvertTo-Csv
You can create new objects easily with PSCustomObject
As for the second question, you can dynamically create a dataset by tweaking this code:
$columnsCount = 5
$numberOfrows = 998
$min = 8000; $max = 9000
1..$numberOfrows | ForEach-Object {
$out = [ordered]@{}
foreach($column in 1..$columnsCount) {
$out["Column $column"] = Get-Random -Minimum $min -Maximum $max
[pscustomobject] $out
} | Export-Csv path/to/csv.csv -NoTypeInformation
Few lines of Csv output would look something like this:
"Column 1","Column 2","Column 3","Column 4","Column 5"