I'm trying to run an awscli command for multiple resources as a loop in a bash script.
For example:
aws ssm get-parameters --name "NAME1", "NAME2", "NAME3"
I've added all the parameter names into a text file. How do I run the CLI command against each name in the file?
Here is my script:
AWS_PARAM="aws ssm get-parameters --name" $FILE
for list in $FILE; do
$AWS_PARAM $list
The expected output should run the CLI on all the names in the file. I know the CLI is expecting the "name" of the parameter store. I'm hoping someone can help with looping the names from the list and running the CLI.
Thank you!
Here's an example of how to iterate over the parameter names and log the output to one file:
AWS_PARAM="aws ssm get-parameters --name"
echo > "$output"
while IFS= read -r line
echo "$line"
$AWS_PARAM "$line" >> "$output"
done < "$input"