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How to check if a tkinter app has been opened before? (Tkinter python)

I'm making an app in tkinter that has a start up/welcome screen. How could I check if the app has been opened before, so that the next time the person opens the app/runs the script, they don't get the welcome screen anymore. Also, I'd like for a reset option that would trigger the welcome screen again. I know this is achievable, but I just don't know how. Thanks for your time!


  • This is just a quick idea as there are many ways you could get creative with this. I love try and except for this type of behavior. It is a great tool for something like this IMO. Hopefully this gives you an idea of what I meant.

    *UPDATED to add suggestions from comments

    from pathlib import Path
    import os
    import tkinter as tk
    # consider changing directory to avoid permission issues as stated in comments based on OS
    file = Path("File.txt")
        with open(file, "r"):  # try to open the file
            print("Not first Launch, No welcome screen")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        with open(file, "x"):  # "x" will create the file as pointed out in comments
            print("First time launch, file was created, welcome screen activated")
    def reset():
            os.remove(file) # remove the file if it is there
            print("Reset perfomed, file deleted")
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("Program already reset")
    root = tk.Tk()
    reset_button = tk.Button(root, text="Reset", command=reset)