Let's say we have an array of strings:
public string[] test = {"(as) (bd) (ct)", "(sdf) te"};
I want to be able to substring between the () and then add the strings to an array. No matter how many times the () occure in the string I want be able to substring the content between it.
I've tried using string.Split()
public static void Main()
//SolvePattern(3, 5, 4);
foreach (var item in transmissions)
var test = item.Split('(', ')');
foreach (var a in test)
but that would return the "te" aswell, which is not between ().
Also worth noting is that the solution should not be using regex.
If it is like that then you could do something like this:
string[] test = { "(as) (bd) (ct)", "(sdf) te" };
var result = test.SelectMany(t => t.Split())
.Where(t => t.StartsWith("(") && t.EndsWith(")"))
.Select(t => t.Trim(new char[] {'(',')'}));
foreach(var item in result) {