I am using python boto3 script in a lambda to create an Ec2 instance. But it says VPC is needed. Boto3 documentation never says VPC is mandatory to create a ec2 instance.
import json
import boto3
import pprint
def lambda_handler(event, context):
aws_mgmt_console = boto3.session.Session()
ec2_console_resource = aws_mgmt_console.resource('ec2')
ec2_console_client = aws_mgmt_console.client('ec2')
The error is : "errorMessage": "An error occurred (VPCIdNotSpecified) when calling the RunInstances operation: No default VPC for this user. GroupName is only supported for EC2-Classic and default VPC.", "errorType": "ClientError", "requestId": "c8ca209b-223a-478b-8130-41b72daa0483",
The boto3 library cannot tell you all the validation rules implemented by the underlying AWS services.
In this case, I suspect, you are deploying from an AWS account into a region that, in combination, does not support EC2 Classic and hence VPC is necessary. However, you do not have a default VPC in this region, hence the EC2 service cannot infer which VPC you want to deploy the EC2 instance into.
You must therefore indicate a VPC when launching the instance(s) and you do that by supplying SubnetId