I have the below formula which works fine and returns the expected results.
=ARRAYFORMULA(iferror(if(row(I:I)=1,"CE Credit",
VLOOKUP(I:I&" "&U:U,importrange("abc123","Course Catalog Database Export!E:N"),3,0))),"!!!"))
I need to add a condition. If the vlookup results is greater than 0, I want it to return Yes, if not No.
=ARRAYFORMULA(iferror(if(row(I:I)=1,"CE Certificate Needed",
if(VLOOKUP(I:I&" "&U:U,importrange("abc123","Course Catalog Database Export!E:N"),3,0)>0,"Yes","No")),"!!!")))
However the header shows blank and no results are shown?
={"CE Certificate Needed"; ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(
IF(A2:A="",,IF((VLOOKUP(I2:I&" "&U2:U,
IMPORTRANGE("abc123", "Course Catalog Database Export!E:N"), 3, 0)*1)>0, "Yes", "No")), "!!!"))}