Search code examples

Parse DOM in XPCOM autocomplete component

I know we should use JSON when receiving remote "autocomplete suggestions", but I'm forced to use standard DOM valid XHTML

I have registered component of interface nsIAutoCompleteSearch and using this code, to get remote XHTML via XmlHttpRequest

var request = Components.classes[";1"]

so far OK. then I receive text from request.responseText and I need to parse DOM and get values, too overcomplicated with regexp

so here is a code with error:

                    .parseFragment(request.responseText, false, null, document);

error saying document not defined. Because I'm in XPCOM component, I don't have access to DOM of page or XUL overlays. This code is taken right from MDN Docs

I tried to create instance of nsIDOMDocument or nsIDOMHTMLDocument and loading them from;1 or;1, but these packages doesn't seem to be accessible (error saying Components.classes[';1'] is undefined)

So Is there a way how to create new DOMDocument, insert request.responseText as HTML and then walk through its DOM structure?

function HTMLParser from given link is throwing same error about document not defined



  • If the server response is well-formed XHTML, you can just use the responseXML member of the request object.

    This only works if the server is returning content type text/xml, however. Otherwise you can force the MIME type to text/xml using XMLHttpRequest.overrideMimeType.

    A final possibility is to parse the document manually as in the original question. I would use DOMParser though. You can use it from an XPCOM component like this:

    var parser = Cc[";1"].
    var doc = parser.parseFromString(aStr, "text/xml");