When the request is made by Postman, I need to check if the received date is valid in the "yyyy-mm-dd" format and then send it to my Service. Is there any way to do this with String?
My Controller:
public ResponseEntity<List<ResponseRet>> getByDate(@RequestParam(required = false) String dateGte,
@RequestParam(required = false) String dateLte) {
List<ResponseRet> responseRet = searchService.findByDate(dateGte, dateLte);
return ResponseEntity.ok(responseRet);
In this case I would need to do this check in the Controller or in the Service
In your service class you can try to parse String
into LocalDate
public List<ResponseRet> findByDate(String dateGte, String dateLte) {
try {
} catch (DateTimeParseException ex) {
// log, throw your custom exception with 400 http response code or whatever
// other code;
While parsing, LocalDate
is using default DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE
- dates like "2022-08-24".
If you want to parse with other format, create instance of DateTimeFormatter
and use it:
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/mm/dd");
LocalDate.parse(dateGte, formatter);
Also you can change your method's arguments type to LocalDate
and do validation on the controller level:
public ResponseEntity<List<ResponseRet>> getByDate(
@RequestParam(required = false) @Valid @DateTimeFormat(iso = DateTimeFormat.ISO.DATE) LocalDate dateGte,
@RequestParam(required = false) @Valid @DateTimeFormat(iso = DateTimeFormat.ISO.DATE) LocalDate dateLte) {
List<ResponseRet> responseRet = searchService.findByDate(dateGte.toString(), dateLte.toString());
return ResponseEntity.ok(responseRet);