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How to align two Point Clouds given the set of points and point-to-point correspondence?

Suppose I have two pointclouds [x1, x2, x3...] and [y1, y2, y3...]. These two pointclouds should be as close as possible. There are a lot of algorithms and deep learning techniques for the pointcloud registration problems. But I have the extra information that: points x1 and y1 should be aligned, x2 and y2 should be aligned, and so on.

So the order of the points in both point clouds is the same. How can I use this to properly get the transformation matrix to align these two-point clouds?

Note: These two points clouds are not exactly the same. Actually, I had ground truth point cloud [x1,x2,x3...] and I tried to reconstruct another point cloud as [y1,y2,y3...]. Now I want to match them and visualize them if the reconstruction is good or not.


  • The problem you are facing is an overdetermined system of equations, which is solvable with a closed-form expression. No need for iterative methods like ICP, since you have the correspondence between points.

    If you're looking for a rigid transform (that allows scaling, rotation and translation but no shearing), you want Umeyama's algorithm [3], which is a closed form as well, there is a Python implementation here:

    If you are looking for an affine transform between your point clouds, i.e a linear transform A (that allows shearing, see [2]) as well as a translation t (which is not linear):

    Then, each of your points must satisfy the equation: y = Ax + t. Here we assume the following shapes: y:(d,n), A:(d,d), x:(d,n), t:(d,1) if each cloud has n points in R^d.

    You can also write it in homogeneous notation, by adding an extra coordinate, see [1]. This results in a linear system y=Mx, and a lot (assuming n>d) of pairs (x,y) that satisfy this equation (i.e. an overdetermined system).

    You can therefore solve this using a closed-form least square method:

    # Inputs:
    # - P, a (n,dim) [or (dim,n)] matrix, a point cloud of n points in dim dimension.
    # - Q, a (n,dim) [or (dim,n)] matrix, a point cloud of n points in dim dimension.
    # P and Q must be of the same shape.
    # This function returns :
    # - Pt, the P point cloud, transformed to fit to Q
    # - (T,t) the affine transform
    def affine_registration(P, Q):
        transposed = False
        if P.shape[0] < P.shape[1]:
            transposed = True
            P = P.T
            Q = Q.T
        (n, dim) = P.shape
        # Compute least squares
        p, res, rnk, s = scipy.linalg.lstsq(np.hstack((P, np.ones([n, 1]))), Q)
        # Get translation
        t = p[-1].T
        # Get transform matrix
        T = p[:-1].T
        # Compute transformed pointcloud
        Pt = P@T.T + t
        if transposed: Pt = Pt.T
        return Pt, (T, t)

    Opencv has a function called getAffineTransform(), however it only takes 3 pairs of points as input. This won't be robust for your case (if e.g. you give it the first 3 pairs of points).



