I am new to Solr and am trying to add the Suggest Search Component via the Config API.
My Solr 9.0.0 setup is as follows:
bin/solr start -e cloud
with _default config
Index a csv with bin/post -c collection_name file_path/file.csv
Add the search component with a POST request to http://localhost:8983/api/collections/collection_name/config
"add-searchcomponent": {
"name": "suggest",
"class": "solr.SuggestComponent",
"lookupImpl": "FuzzyLookupFactory",
"dictionaryImpl": "DocumentDictionaryFactory",
"field": "name",
"suggestAnalyzerFieldType": "string",
"buildOnStartup": false
"add-requesthandler": {
"name": "/suggest",
"startup": "lazy",
"class": "solr.SearchHandler",
"defaults": {
"suggest": true,
"suggest.count": 10
"components": ["suggest"]
This works fine and my configoverlay.json looks as follows:
But if I send the request http://localhost:8983/solr/collection_name/suggest?suggest.dictionary=suggest&q=J&suggest.build=true
I receive the following error:
"responseHeader": {
"zkConnected": true,
"status": 400,
"QTime": 3
"error": {
"metadata": [
"msg": "No suggester named suggest was configured",
"code": 400
I could imagine it has something to do with the naming of the search component, as there are two distinct names as defined in the docs. There is a "searchComponent name" and a "name" parameter, but I don't now how to manipulate the "searchComponent name".
I have found this and this post on a similar error, but both posts are about the suggest.dictionary not being configured which is not the case in my situation.
Any help on what I am doing wrong is greatly appreciated.
One SuggestComponent can use multiple dictionaries, so you have to define them in a list and specify a name
explicitly for each one.
Note also that buildOnStartup
expects a string.
"add-searchcomponent": {
"name": "suggest",
"class": "solr.SuggestComponent",
"suggester": [{
"name": "fuzzy",
"lookupImpl": "FuzzyLookupFactory",
"dictionaryImpl": "DocumentDictionaryFactory",
"field": "name",
"suggestAnalyzerFieldType": "string",
"buildOnStartup": "false"
Which you can query with .../suggest?suggest.dictionary=fuzzy&q=J&suggest.build=true