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React data overridden in Data Table after filtering data

React Data overridden in Data table after filtering data Tech stack used: React typescript and GraphQL (apollo client).

  • We have used react-data-table-component, mui/material. In this both modules data is overridden after data is filtered.
  • Not getting any solution for this issue, If anyone can help regarding this issue.


  • Above issue is resolved by the below given code (React typescript):

     const defaultOptions: DefaultOptions = {
            watchQuery: {
                fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
                errorPolicy: 'all',
            query: {
                fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
                errorPolicy: 'all',
            mutate: {
                errorPolicy: 'all',
        return new ApolloClient({
            uri: 'http://example/graphql',
            cache: new InMemoryCache(),
            defaultOptions: defaultOptions