~I want to cast a string of 'single quotes' string like below code.~
Sorry, I changed the question. i replace the 'single quotes' to "double quotes"
WITH data as (
'{"svod": True, "awards": [], "copyright": "© ROI VISUAL / EBS All rights Reserved.", "providerId": "50176b59-9bae-40ed-bedd-167786953c73", "releaseYear": 2018, "rating_levels": {"drugs": "none", "theme": "none", "horror": "none", "language": "none", "violence": "none", "sex_and_nudity": "none", "imitable_behavior": "none"}, "display_runtime": "00:05:00", "production_company": "ROIVISUAL"}' as meta
-- json_parse(meta) -- X (Error : Cannot convert value to JSON)
cast(meta as json) as meta_json, -- O > "{\"svod\": True, \"awards\": [], \"copyright\": \"© ROI VISUAL / EBS All rights Reserved.\", \"providerId\": \"50176b59-9bae-40ed-bedd-167786953c73\", \"releaseYear\": 2018, \"rating_levels\": {\"drugs\": \"none\", \"theme\": \"none\", \"horror\": \"none\", \"language\": \"none\", \"violence\": \"none\", \"sex_and_nudity\": \"none\", \"imitable_behavior\": \"none\"}, \"display_runtime\": \"00:05:00\", \"production_company\": \"ROIVISUAL\"}"
json_extract_scalar(cast(meta as json), '$.providerId') as meta_providerId -- Empty Return
FROM data
Expected Results
json_extract_scalar(cast(meta as json), '$.releaseYear'), -- 2018
json_extract_scalar(cast(meta as json), '$.providerId') -- "50176b59-9bae-40ed-bedd-167786953c73"
FROM data
I've referred to this before, but it didn't work out.
Do you have any advice for me?
Your JSON appears to be invalid.
Use either "True"
(with quotes) or true
(without quotes, lowercase) to make your JSON valid.