I have created a NetCDF4 file that when opened using xarray, high values are introduced to the variable of interest and the kernel keeps crashing. I do not see the high values when loading into MATLAB suggesting that it is perhaps an incompatibility issue between the NetCDF4 file and xarray?
This is what I do:
I first create a NetCDF4 file including my variable of interest:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
# Create data
data_2_save = np.squeeze(np.float32(np.zeros([6,29947])))
data_2_save[0,1000:27300] = np.nan;
data_2_save[1,1010:27310] = np.nan;
data_2_save[2,1050:27350] = np.nan;
data_2_save[3,1000:27300] = np.nan;
data_2_save[4,900:27300] = np.nan;
data_2_save[5,100:27300] = np.nan;
# time range
t = np.float32(range(-2921,27026,1))
# for other dimension
d = np.arange(1,7)
# create NetCDF4 file
filename = ''
dataset = Dataset(filename, 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
fillvalue = 999999
# define dimensions
TIME_DIM = dataset.createDimension('TIME', None)
D_DIM = dataset.createDimension('D', np.size(d))
# create variables
TIME = dataset.createVariable('TIME', np.float32, ('TIME',))
D = dataset.createVariable('D', np.int32, ('D',))
VAR = dataset.createVariable('VARIABLE', np.float32, ('TIME','D'),
VAR.long_name = 'name'
VAR.valid_max = np.float32(np.nanmax(data_2_save))
VAR.valid_min = np.float32(np.nanmin(data_2_save))
VAR.coordinates = 'TIME D'
VAR.comment = ('A comment goes here')
# Time
time_unit_out= "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"
TIME.units = time_unit_out
TIME.long_name = 'analysis time'
TIME.standard_name = 'time'
TIME.valid_max = np.nanmax(t)
TIME.valid_min = np.nanmin(t)
TIME.axis = 'T'
TIME.calendar = 'gregorian'
# D
D.standard_name = 'D'
D.valid_max = np.int32(np.round(np.nanmax(d)))
D.valid_min = np.int32(np.round(np.nanmin(d)))
# Save data into NetCDF
TIME[:] = t
D[:] = np.ndarray.tolist(d)
VAR[:] =np.transpose(data_2_save)
dataset.close()# and the file is written
I then load the file later and plot as follows:
import xarray as xr
data = xr.open_dataset('')
Then either the kernel crashes or a plot is produced. A different plot is produced everytime, with random numbers plotted alongside what I would expect (0., nan). These random numbers can be = ~20000, > e+38, and sometimes = 0. These random numbers tend to be at the end of the variable array where there are supposed to be NaNs. Sometimes there are no random numbers introduced.
I have tried the following:
I have recently reinstalled Anaconda and packages because of an issue using pip and conda to install packages.
I have tried this using Spyder and Jupyter Notebook, and it happens when using both.
I decided to make the NetCDF file using xarray instead of the netCDF4 package. The problem does not occur anymore.