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Best way to wake 0-N sleeping goroutines at once

I'm writing a program where I start N (N is a command-line argument) worker threads, and at any time 0 to N-1 of them can be waiting on another to update a variable. What's the best way for the threads to wait for this event, and the best way for one of the threads to notify all the others at once of the event occurring? This event will be sent multiple times by each thread. sync.Cond isn't appropriate because the threads don't need to lock a resource upon waking from sleep. sync.WaitGroup won't work because I don't know how many times to call wg.Done().

Solution #1: I could use a sync.Mutex and have the thread that will eventually notify the others acquire the lock and then unlock it to notify the others, but it seems really inefficient for the others to all fight over a lock when they all just need to pop out of sleep, read a variable to see if that particular worker is now the master, and then either go back to sleep or start working.

Solution #2: Create a wrapper for sync.WaitGroup that allows keeping track of the number of waiting threads so that I can call wg.Add(-numWaitingThreads) to wake them. This sounds like a headache to figure out how to code it without all sorts of race conditions.

Solution #3: Until someone comes up with a better idea, I'll be using a list of N channels and have the notifier non-blocking-send to all of the channels except its own. Is this really the best way?

More details: I give each worker some unique credits and have a central variable for "which credit is the next to be written to the output file". When a worker finishes its work for whichever credit ID it was working on, it needs to do the following:

for centralNextCreditID != creditID {


  • To me it does seem like this is an appropriate use case for sync.Cond. You can use a *RWMutex.RLocker() for Cond.L so all goroutines can acquire the read lock simultaneously once the Cond.Broadcast() is sent.

    Additionally, it may be worth making sure you hold a write lock when changing this "who's master" variable to avoid race conditions, which would make sync.Cond an even better fit.