Android just introduced Per-app language preferences in Android API level 33 which let you change the app language regardless of the system language.
To support devices that running API <= 32, Android in Androidx Appcompat: androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.0-beta01
has added: AppCompatDelegate.setApplicationLocales(appLocale);
Now app language can be differ from system language.
Now there are 2 scenarios:
will return the system Locale which is equal to the app.Locale.getDefault()
will return the app locale not the system. And to get system locale, LocaleManagerCompat.getSystemLocales(this).get(0)
can be used.My question: How to get App locale in Android API <= 32 When using backward compatibility with out the need to use Context
I have found this which is the opposite to what I need.
What I have tried to store Locale then fetch it whenever needed but this method needs Context
which is incompetent.
Can you use AppCompatDelegate.getApplicationLocales()
I'm working through the same challenges as you right now, and this seems to work for me.
AppCompatDelegate -> [es_US] // after setting with AppCompatDelegate
Locale -> en_US // never changed, my system default
// Worked on emulators for both API 27 and 33