I'm supposed to troubleshoot an open-source Python 2.7 code from GitHub that for some reason, cannot import the binary file correctly. I traced the problem to the following definition, which supposedly imports a binary file (.dat) into an ndarray (rawsnippet) with the following code
def update_rawsnippet(self):
self.rawfile_samp = self.rawfile.tell()/self.datatype.itemsize
self.rawfile_time = self.rawfile_samp/self.fs
rawsnippet = np.fromfile(self.rawfile, self.datatype, self.S)
self.rawsnippet = self.format_rawsnippet(rawsnippet)
where self.rawfile is an open file object defined in the following
def open_rawfile(self):
if (not hasattr(self, 'rawfile')) or (hasattr(self, 'rawfile') and self.rawfile.closed):
self.rawfile = open(self.abspath, 'rb')
print('Opened rawfile = \'%s\'.\n'%self.abspath)
print('Rawfile = \'%s\' is already opened.\n'%self.rawfile.name)
and self.datatype and self.S are
self.datatype=np.dtype([('i', np.int16), ('q', np.int16)])
self.S = 2500
But for some reason, rawsnippet is just an empty array. When I print rawsnippet, it simply returns [].
I've tried testing the function np.fromfile
and checked the binary file with the following code, and it works.
>>>rawsnippet = np.fromfile(rawfile,datatype,s)
>>>print rawsnippet
[( 1280, 0) ( 1280, 0) ( 1280, 0) ... (-1537, 1280)
( -769, -1025) ( -769, -1025)]
So really don't know why it don't work in the full code.
Interestingly, when I change the datatype to the following (in the full code)
datatype = np.dtype([('i', np.int8), ('q', np.int8)])
rawsnippet is no longer empty, but reads the binary file wrongly (The values are wrong).
Any clues as to why this occurs?? I'm using numpy ver 1.16.6
The full code can be found at the following link.
I'm trying to run the PyGNSS code, and def update_rawsnippet(self)
as well as def open_rawfile(self)
can be found in rawfile.py
In [225]: datatype=np.dtype([('i', np.int16), ('q', np.int16)])
...: S = 2500
Make an empty file:
In [226]: !touch empty.txt
Load with this, or any dtype, produces an (0,) shape file:
In [227]: np.fromfile('empty.txt', dtype=datatype)
Out[227]: array([], dtype=[('i', '<i2'), ('q', '<i2')])
In [228]: np.fromfile('empty.txt', dtype=datatype, count=S)
Out[228]: array([], dtype=[('i', '<i2'), ('q', '<i2')])
complains if there aren't enough bytes, but fromfile
does not.
Write a small array:
In [229]: arr = np.zeros(3, dtype=datatype)
In [230]: arr
Out[230]: array([(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)], dtype=[('i', '<i2'), ('q', '<i2')])
In [231]: arr.tofile('test.txt')
Read it (again no complaints if there aren't S
In [234]: np.fromfile('test.txt', dtype=datatype, count=S)
Out[234]: array([(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)], dtype=[('i', '<i2'), ('q', '<i2')])
Read with context:
In [235]: with open('test.txt','rb') as f:
...: print(np.fromfile(f,dtype=datatype))
[(0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0)]
Read, but after reading to the end, the result is empty:
In [236]: with open('test.txt','rb') as f:
...: f.read()
...: print(np.fromfile(f,dtype=datatype))
I suspect this last is what's happening in your code.
Or the use a py2.7 might be causing problems. It's been a long time since I used it, and I don't recall what migration problems there were, especially regarding file reading.