I'm trying to receive message through Grpc service, send it to Kafka Emitter, and return some value back.
public class MessageService implements protobuf.MessageService{
Emitter<Record<String, GeneratedMessageV3>> emitter;
public Uni<EnvelopeReply> processMessage(Envelope request) {
return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(
emitter.send(Record.of(request.getKey(), request))
During build, I'm getting next error:
Error injecting org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Emitter<io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.kafka.Record<java.lang.String, com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3>> com.test.MessageService.emitter
Caused by: javax.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException: SRMSG00019: Unable to connect an emitter with the channel `hello-out`
It works properly with Rest resource.
Without going deeply into the topic, here's my solution: You can't inject Kafka Emmiter directly to grpc service, it'll throw an exception.
GrpcService <- Emitter<Record...>
Possible reason(I'm sure Quarkus team will reply lower with correct solution :)) is that all GrpcServices are of @Singleton
type, and they can't have lazy-initialised properties, they need to have something directly injected. Emitter
is generated at a later stage.
By adding a wrapper class you're solving all the headaches, so:
GrpcService <- KafkaService <- Emitter<Record...>
public class KafkaService {
Emitter<Record<String, GeneratedMessageV3>> emitter;
// Implement this part properly, added just for example
public Emitter<Record<String, GeneratedMessageV3>> getEmitter() {
return emitter;
public class MessageService implements protobuf.MessageService {
KafkaService kafkaService;
public Uni<EnvelopeReply> processMessage(Envelope request) {
// use metadata if needed
Map<String, String> metadataMap = request.getMetadataMap();
return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(
kafkaService.getEmitter().send(Record.of(request.getKey(), request))