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Failed to inject Kafka client into GrpcService Quarkus

I'm trying to receive message through Grpc service, send it to Kafka Emitter, and return some value back.

public class MessageService implements protobuf.MessageService{

    Emitter<Record<String, GeneratedMessageV3>> emitter;

    public Uni<EnvelopeReply> processMessage(Envelope request) {
        return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(
                emitter.send(Record.of(request.getKey(), request))

During build, I'm getting next error:

 Error injecting org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Emitter<io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.kafka.Record<java.lang.String,>> com.test.MessageService.emitter
Caused by: javax.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException: SRMSG00019: Unable to connect an emitter with the channel `hello-out`

It works properly with Rest resource.


  • Without going deeply into the topic, here's my solution: You can't inject Kafka Emmiter directly to grpc service, it'll throw an exception.

    GrpcService <- Emitter<Record...>

    Possible reason(I'm sure Quarkus team will reply lower with correct solution :)) is that all GrpcServices are of @Singleton type, and they can't have lazy-initialised properties, they need to have something directly injected. Emitter is generated at a later stage. By adding a wrapper class you're solving all the headaches, so:

    GrpcService <- KafkaService <- Emitter<Record...>
    public class KafkaService {
        Emitter<Record<String, GeneratedMessageV3>> emitter;
        // Implement this part properly, added just for example
        public Emitter<Record<String, GeneratedMessageV3>> getEmitter() {
            return emitter;
    public class MessageService implements protobuf.MessageService {
        KafkaService kafkaService;
        public Uni<EnvelopeReply> processMessage(Envelope request) {
            // use metadata if needed
            Map<String, String> metadataMap = request.getMetadataMap();
            return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(
                    kafkaService.getEmitter().send(Record.of(request.getKey(), request))