I was struggling with syntax to convert the below code to list comprehension but no luck,
x = ['3', '15', '161', '2', '4113', '26', '1141', '00', '05', '02', '064']
c = []
for i in x:
if len(i) <= 2:
i = '00' + i
if len(i) <= 3:
i = '0' + i
how to place the second condition:
['00' + i for i in x if len(i) <= 2 if len(i) <= 3]
You are never not appending a value to your new list, so you don't need filters on your list comprehension. You're just changing what you're appending.
[f'000{d}' if len(d) == 1 else \
f'00{d}' if len(d) == 2 else \
f'0{d}' if len(d) == 3 else \
for d in x]
# ['0003', '0015', '0161', '0002', '4113', '0026',
# '1141', '0000', '0005', '0002', '0064']
But you can simply use a format specifier in an f-string to accomplish the same.
[f'{int(d):04}' for d in x]
# ['0003', '0015', '0161', '0002', '4113', '0026',
# '1141', '0000', '0005', '0002', '0064']
Or without the intermediate conversion to an int.
[f'{d:>04}' for d in x]
# ['0003', '0015', '0161', '0002', '4113', '0026',
# '1141', '0000', '0005', '0002', '0064']