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ModuleNotFoundError, even after pip install

I have recently bought a new laptop and was viewing some python projects of mine which I made on my pc. For one of them I use the python-bitvavo-api library which I installed using pip3 install python-bitvavo-api. The version I installed is 1.2.2 which is the latest on their website.

Now when I try to import it using this code: from python_bitvavo_api.bitvavo import Bitvavo, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\indig\OneDrive\Documenten\Python Projects\Personal\Cryptone\", line 6, in <module>
    from python_bitvavo_api.bitvavo import Bitvavo
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'python_bitvavo_api'

I read online that it may occur when using multiple python versions, Im only using 1 and thats python 3.7

Btw. I have the same error with the Pillow module, so it might be a setting in visual studio that I dont know of. Anyway, someone please help. If you need more details please ask.


  • How are you running it? From the terminal or from VS? You can also check the installed libraries running the command pip list