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Alfresco share repository section not working

I installed fresh Alfresco 7.1.1. Everything is working fine except the repository section is not working properly in the share. I am able to create the sites and user but when I go to repository or site document library it shows the following.

enter image description here

I sent a document to the repository and it got created successfully. Even I can access the document using the Admin Console Node browser and see all the folders like company_home.

There are no documents or icons to create a new content. I tried to drag and drop the document but that also did not work.

My tomcat is running on 8081 and I have replaced all the localhost:8080 ports in the share-config-custom.xml with localhost:8081.


  • It turned out that I did not installed the Alfresco-Share-Services.amp. However it was not showing any warnings in the logs about not having Alfresco-Share-Services.amp installed.

    Than you everyone for their time.