I have these two tables in my database:
SELECT starId, starName, starQuandrant, starCategory
FROM astro1.starList
SELECT firstLoc, secondLoc
FROM astro1.starMappings
is just a mapping table where firstLoc
and secondLoc
are starIds
I can get the relationship between starList
and starMappings
for a starCategory
like this:
sl.starId, sl.starName, sl.starQuandrant, sl.starCategory,
sm.firstLoc, sm.secondLoc
astro1.starList sl
astro1.starMappings sm ON sl.starId = sm.firstLoc
starCategory = A01
And the results would be:
starId | starName | starQuandrant | starCategory | firstLoc | secondLoc
01997 | Beta Persei | 01-02003 | A01 | 01997 | 767762
01999 | HR 6618 | 02-04441 | A01 | 01999 | 889885
Here, sm.firstLoc
and starId
will always be equal.
Well, I have another new category in starList
like this:
SELECT starId, starName, starQuandrant, starCategory
FROM astro1.starList
WHERE starCategory = B01
It's starId
s and starCategory
are different, but the starName
and starQuandrant
are the same as A01
But it doesn't yet have any relationship entries in starMappings
However, I want them to be equal to starCategory = A01
based on the starQuandrant
My question is, how can I insert all entries from :
SELECT starId, starName, starQuandrant, starCategory
FROM astro1.starList
WHERE starCategory = B01
into astro.starMappings
based on the starQuandrant
So for example, 2 entries for starCategory
B01 might look like:
starId | starName | starQuandrant | starCategory | firstLoc | secondLoc
03771 | Beta Persei | 01-02003 | B01 | 03771 | 767762
03982 | HR 6618 | 02-04441 | B01 | 03982 | 889885
So after inserting into astro.starMappings
, firstLoc
is different, but secondLoc
is the same as it was above for A01
So what I need is the starId
from the B01
category and the secondLoc
value when I do the JOIN with starMappings
using the A01
I tried writing this insert query:
INSERT INTO astro1.starMappings(firstLoc, secondLoc)
SELECT sl2.starId, sm.secondLoc
FROM astro1.starList sl1
INNER JOIN astro1.starList sl2 ON sl1.starQuandrant = sl2.starQuandrant
INNER JOIN astro1.starMappings sm ON sl1.id = sm.firstLoc
WHERE sl1.starCategory = A01
AND sl2.starCategory = B01
But I can't figure out how to select the starId
of sl2
and the secondLoc
of sm(starMappings)
to insert into the starMappings
Is there a way to do this?
INSERT INTO astro1.starMappings(firstLoc, secondLoc)
astro1.starList sl
INNER JOIN astro1.starMappings sma ON sl.starId = sma.firstLoc
astro1.starList sl
INNER JOIN astro1.starMappings sma ON sl.starId = sma.firstLoc
sl.starCategory = 'A01') a
sl.starCategory = 'B01'