I have the following query to take some data regarding two entities in the same time and I receive an error.
@Query(value = "select new base.models.HRTableEntity( yr.user.gid, yr.user.id, yr.user.lastName || ' ' || yr.user.firstName, yr.user.position, yr.user.created,yr.genericField1,yr.genericField2) from YearlyReview yr where yr.year = :yr and yr.user.realDepartment = :dep and yr.user.city = :ct",
countQuery = "select count(yr.id) from YearlyReview yr where yr.year = :yr and yr.user.realDepartment = :dep and yr.user.city = :ct",
nativeQuery = false)
Page<HRTableEntity> getAllTableEntity(Pageable pageRequest, @Param("yr") int year, @Param("dep") String department, @Param("ct") String location);
I call this cunction with default Sort (gid: ASC
) and receive the following error
org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: gid of: base.entities.YearlyReview
Repo interface:
public interface PageableYearlyReview extends CrudRepository<YearlyReview, UUID>
Yearly review have a member (user) of type ApplicationUser and I want to put information into DTO from yr.user.gid into HRTableEntry.gid.
What is the right way to do that ?
EDIT: function call:
crunRepoYearTable.getAllTableEntity(PageRequest.of(pageNo - 1, pageSize, sort), year, realDepartment, user.getCity())
sort building
sortDir.equalsIgnoreCase(Sort.Direction.ASC.name()) ? Sort.by(sortedField).ascending() : Sort.by(sortedField).descending();
Entity structure:
public class YearlyReview {
private UUID id;
private int year;
private ApplicationUser user;
public class ApplicationUser {
private String id;
private String gid;
Problem solved:
for sort by gid need to send from the fronted like this user.gid
. User is required to refer at AppUser and gid to access information. And change interface like this
public interface PageableYearlyReview extends CrudRepository<ApplicationUser, String>