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Task.WaitAsync vs Task.Wait

I know that Task.Wait() block thread in which it is executed.

Do I understand correctly that Task.WaitAsync() does not do this?

I tried to find information about it but I didn't find anything


  • WaitAsync will return a new task that needs to be awaited in turn. It's not used to avoid await, it's used to allow cancelling a wait for another task.

    If you want you await for a task to complete without blocking you'll have to use await in an async method, or use ContinueWith with the continuation code:

    async Task MyMethodAsync(Task myTask)
       await myTask;

    This code can await forever and doesn't allow cancelling the wait. If you want to stop waiting after a while you can use Task.WaitAsync

        await myTask.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinute(1));
        //Handle the timeout

    Or you may want to cancel awaiting that task if a parent call signals cancellation through a CancellationTokenSource

    async Task MyMethod(Task someTask,CancellationToken cancellationToken=default)
       await someTask.WaitAsync(cancellationToken);