I'm trainning in C# alone for this moment, and encounter my first problem.
I use VSCode as IDE.
Create two functions, the first, data like name and return it. the second return full name. All in one in a class.
using System
namespace Helloworld
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
public string getName(string message)
string? name;
name = Console.ReadLine();
while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName)); // For avoid null or empty string, I'm not found another solution.
return name;
public string getFullName()
const string firstNameMessage = "Enter your first name: ";
const string lastNameMessage = "Enter yout last name: ";
string result = $"{getName(firstNameMessage)} {getName(lastNameMessage)}"
return result;
1 - When I launch the command dotnet run
, my program follow instructions while the first Console.WriteLine. When I type an random name in VSCode's Debug Console. Nothing happens...
My questions: Does this problem come my code ? Am I using an unsuitable IDE ? Or Am I not working with the good VSCode's Tools ?
2 - When I want restart or build I have a message like The process cannot access the file C:\Users\Username\ Documents\Work\learningCSharp\bin\Debug\net6.0\learningCSharp.dll' because it is being used by another process.
My question: How I kill process which use my DLL file ?
I solve all my problem finally alone. I read here the solution.
I'm posting the solution anyway.
in your launch.json
replace "console": "internalConsole"
by "console": "integratedTerminal
If you are senior in C#, Can you tell us if is it same for all IDEs ?