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Access a property from another property in controller

I'm bulding a webapp in Symfony, and I need to access to some properties of an entity in a controller to add this values to $candidature entity. Thank you for the help.

Controller.php :

class CandidatureController extends AbstractController
#[Route('/candidature', name: 'app_candidature')]
public function index(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager): Response
    $candidature = new Candidature();

    //$candidatNom = $entityManager->getRepository(ProfileCandidat::class)->findBy($Nom);


    return $this->render('candidature/index.html.twig', [
        'controller_name' => 'CandidatureController',


  • $candidatNom = $entityManager->getRepository(ProfileCandidat::class)->findBy(['nom' => $Nom);

    should do the trick