I have a Pydantic class model that represents a foreign API that looks like this:
class Position(BaseModel):
AccountID: str
AveragePrice: str
AssetType: str
Last: str
Bid: str
Ask: str
ConversionRate: str
DayTradeRequirement: str
InitialRequirement: str
PositionID: str
LongShort: str
Quantity: int
Symbol: str
Timestamp: str
TodaysProfitLoss: str
TotalCost: str
MarketValue: str
MarkToMarketPrice: str
UnrealizedProfitLoss: str
UnrealizedProfitLossPercent: str
UnrealizedProfitLossQty: str
This is the names of the API endpoint that I need to point to. I simply want to change the pascal case fields to a pythonic design.
What I want is to deserialize the foreign API and serialize it back using Pydantic's BaseModel class.
My problem is that if I use Pydantic's class Fields
like this:
class Position(BaseModel):
account_id: str = Field(alias='AccountID')
average_price: str = Field(alias='AveragePrice')
asset_type: str = Field(alias='AssetType')
last: str = Field(alias='Last')
bid: str = Field(alias='Bid')
ask: str = Field(alias='Ask')
conversion_rate: str = Field(alias='ConversionRate')
day_trade_requirement: str = Field(alias='DayTradeRequirement')
initial_requirement: str = Field(alias='InitialRequirement')
position_id: str = Field(alias='PositionID')
long_short: str = Field(alias='LongShort')
quantity: int = Field(alias='Quantity')
symbol: str = Field(alias='Symbol')
timestamp: str = Field(alias='Timestamp')
todays_profit_loss: str = Field(alias='TodaysProfitLoss')
total_cost: str = Field(alias='TotalCost')
market_value: str = Field(alias='MarketValue')
mark_to_market_price: str = Field(alias='MarkToMarketPrice')
unrealized_profit_loss: str = Field(alias='UnrealizedProfitLoss')
unrealized_profit_loss_percent: str = Field(alias='UnrealizedProfitLossPercent')
unrealized_profit_loss_qty: str = Field(alias='UnrealizedProfitLossQty')
I can only deserialize it and not the other way around.
Any way I can do it for both "directions"?
Yes, it's possible, use .dict(by_alias=True)
, see example:
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class Position(BaseModel):
account_id: str = Field(alias='AccountID')
pos2 = Position(AccountID='10')
{'account_id': '10'}
{'AccountID': '10'}