public protocol NodeBuilder {
associatedtype OutputView: View
func build() -> OutputView
public struct Builder {
private let builder: NodeBuilder // Protocol 'NodeBuilder' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
public init(builder: NodeBuilder) { // Protocol 'NodeBuilder' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
self.builder = builder
public func build<OutputView: View>() -> OutputView { // Member 'build' cannot be used on value of protocol type 'NodeBuilder'; use a generic constraint instead
struct Component: NodeBuilder {
func build() -> some View {
Text("Some View")
I'm trying to create a reusable protocol here. I'm getting errors which are added as comments here. Can't find any solution online to solve this. How can I make this code work? Or any suggestions where to look up more info about it? Thanx!
A protocol with associated types can not be used as a type (however in Swift 5.7 it can)
As the error states you have to use generics constrained to the protocol
For example
public protocol NodeBuilder {
associatedtype OutputView: View
func build() -> OutputView
public struct Builder<N: NodeBuilder> {
private let builder: N
public init(builder: N) {
self.builder = builder
public func build<N>() -> N { as! N
struct Component: NodeBuilder {
func build() -> some View {
Text("Some View")