Let's say I have this basic app:
from dataclasses import dataclass
import hydra
from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStore
class MyAppConfig:
req_int: int
opt_str: str = "Default String"
opt_float: float = 3.14
cs = ConfigStore.instance()
# Registering the Config class with the name 'config'.
cs.store(name="base_config", node=MyAppConfig)
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_name="base_config", config_path="conf")
def my_app(cfg: MyAppConfig) -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Is it possible for the user to be able to call my app like this:
python my_app.py req_int=42 --config="~/path/to/user-defined-config.yaml"
And user-defined-config.yaml
would contain only this:
opt_str: User Config String
The output should look like this:
{'req_int': 42, 'opt_str': 'User Config String', 'opt_float': 3.14, 'config': 'hydra-user-conf'}
The closest I got to that is:
- base_config
- _self_
opt_str: User Config String
And the invocation:
python hydra/app.py req_int=42 --config-path='~/path/to' --config-name="hydra-user-conf"
But this way the user (who I don't want to require to be familiar with hydra) has to specify the path to their config file via two cli arguments and also include the defaults
section in their config, which would be redundant boilerplate to them if they have to always include it in all of their configuration files.
Is this the closest I can get with hydra to the desired interface?
One thing you can do is to pre-configure the config searchpath in the primary config. Adding something like ~/.my_app/ to your config searchpath (thus potentially eliminating the need for --config-path|-cp
In yaml it would look like:
- file://${oc.env:HOME}/.my_app
Another thing to consider is having the app generating an initial config for the user on demand. I took this approach with Configen.
In general, the current patterns are not amazing and maybe there is room for some improvements in Hydra to make this more ergonomic (You can open a discussion about it).