I have the following graph
(a1:A) -> (b1:B) -> (c1:C)
(a2:A) -> (b2:B) -> (c2:C)
(a3:A) -> (b3:B) -> (c3:C)
I would like to find path between node label A and C. I can use the query
match p=((:A)-[*]->(:C))
return p
But I also want to get node label Y and node label D, E if these decorating nodes exists. If I try:
match p=((:A)-[*]->(cc:C)), (cc)-->(yy:Y), (cc)-[*]->(dd:D)-[*]->(ee:E)
return p, yy, dd, ee
Then it is only going to return the path if the C node has Y, D, E connects to it.
The output that I need is:
a1->b1->c1, y1, null
a2->b2->c2, null, [[d1, e1]]
a3->b3->c3, null, null
I.e., if decorating node does not exist, then just return null. For the array, it can be null or empty array. Also D and E nodes will be group into an array of arrays since there could be many pairs of D and E.
What is the best way to achieve this?
This should do it, returning an empty array for the deDecoration if there aren't any D-E decorations
MATCH p=((:A)-[*]->(c:C))
HEAD([(c)--(y:Y) | y ]) AS yDecoration,
[(c)-[*]->(d:D)-[*]->(e:E) | [d,e]] AS deDecoration
RETURN p, yDecoration, deDecoration
with this graph (multiple D-E)
this query
MATCH p=((:A)-[*]->(c:C))
WITH REDUCE(s='' , node IN nodes(p) | s + CASE WHEN s='' THEN '' ELSE '->' END + node.name) AS p,
HEAD([(c)--(y:Y) | y.name ]) AS yDecoration,
[(c)-[*]->(d:D)-[*]->(e:E) | [d.name,e.name]] AS deDecoration
RETURN p, yDecoration, deDecoration
│"p" │"yDecoration"│"deDecoration" │
│"A2->B2->C2"│null │[] │
│"A1->B1->C1"│null │[["D2","E2"],["D1","E1"]]│
│"A3->B3->C3"│"Y1" │[] │