Today I have a bit more of a complicated question:
I have a Google sheet that has the has real dates (dd/mm/yyyy
) in one column.
While checking, I want to check it against the following:
date_format ='%d/%m')
Which would only check dd/mm
as I am not interested in the year, but can't change it either.
Is Python/gspread able to take care of this? Is a comparison like this even possible?
While reading out the column, you can't subscript the 'Cell' of course.
I tried to use some regex I found:
criteria_re = re.compile('(?<!\d)((((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(3[01]))/(((0?((1[02]?)|([3578]))))|(1[0-2])))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d))/(0?2))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(30))/((0?[2469])|(11))))/((19)|(20))\d\d')
cell_list = worksheet.findall(criteria_re, in_column=1)
# This is returned: [<Cell R1C1 '21/08/2020'>, <Cell R2C1 '23/08/2020'>]
Which however only checks for real dates, but I only want to check if an entry matches the dd/mm
of today by using the date_format
I also tried to remove the last 5
characters, but that converts the output into a str
and I need it as an int
to then check something like this:
cell_list = worksheet.findall(date_format, in_column=1) # All values that match the date, only want to look for dd/mm though
for match in cell_list:
values_list = worksheet.row_values(match.row) # Gets the row where the cell was found
I other words: I still need to get the location of the cell as I can't just search for dd/mm
if the format in the sheet is dd/mm/yyyy
I believe your goal is as follows.
from the values of dd/mm/yyyy
.In this case, how about the following sample script? In this sample script, from your question, I used the cell values as the string values.
searchColumn = 1 # Please set the search column. In this case, it's the column "A".
search = "22/08" # Please set the search value.
criteria_re = re.compile("(?<!\d)((((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(3[01]))/(((0?((1[02]?)|([3578]))))|(1[0-2])))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d))/(0?2))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(30))/((0?[2469])|(11))))/((19)|(20))\d\d") # This is from your script.
values = worksheet.get_all_values()
res = [r for r in values if[searchColumn - 1]) and r[searchColumn - 1][:-5] == search]
When you want to retrieve the searched row number, how about the following sample script? In this case, the 1st-row number is 1
searchColumn = 1 # Please set the search column. In this case, it's the column "A".
search = "22/08" # Please set the search value.
criteria_re = re.compile("(?<!\d)((((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(3[01]))/(((0?((1[02]?)|([3578]))))|(1[0-2])))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d))/(0?2))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(30))/((0?[2469])|(11))))/((19)|(20))\d\d") # This is from your script.
values = worksheet.get_all_values()
res = [i + 1 for i, r in enumerate(values) if[searchColumn - 1]) and r[searchColumn - 1][:-5] == search]