Search code examples

How can I only compare dd/mm against dd/mm/yyyy in Google sheets?

Today I have a bit more of a complicated question:

I have a Google sheet that has the has real dates (dd/mm/yyyy) in one column.

While checking, I want to check it against the following:

date_format ='%d/%m')

Which would only check dd/mm as I am not interested in the year, but can't change it either.

Is Python/gspread able to take care of this? Is a comparison like this even possible?

While reading out the column, you can't subscript the 'Cell' of course.

I tried to use some regex I found:

criteria_re = re.compile('(?<!\d)((((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(3[01]))/(((0?((1[02]?)|([3578]))))|(1[0-2])))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d))/(0?2))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(30))/((0?[2469])|(11))))/((19)|(20))\d\d')
cell_list = worksheet.findall(criteria_re, in_column=1)

# This is returned: [<Cell R1C1 '21/08/2020'>, <Cell R2C1 '23/08/2020'>]

Which however only checks for real dates, but I only want to check if an entry matches the dd/mm of today by using the date_format above.

I also tried to remove the last 5 characters, but that converts the output into a str and I need it as an int to then check something like this:

cell_list = worksheet.findall(date_format, in_column=1) # All values that match the date, only want to look for dd/mm though

for match in cell_list:

    values_list = worksheet.row_values(match.row) # Gets the row where the cell was found

I other words: I still need to get the location of the cell as I can't just search for dd/mm if the format in the sheet is dd/mm/yyyy


  • I believe your goal is as follows.

    • You want to retrieve the rows by searching dd/mm from the values of dd/mm/yyyy.
    • You want to achieve this using gspreads for python.

    In this case, how about the following sample script? In this sample script, from your question, I used the cell values as the string values.

    Sample script:

    searchColumn = 1  # Please set the search column. In this case, it's the column "A".
    search = "22/08" # Please set the search value.
    criteria_re = re.compile("(?<!\d)((((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(3[01]))/(((0?((1[02]?)|([3578]))))|(1[0-2])))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d))/(0?2))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(30))/((0?[2469])|(11))))/((19)|(20))\d\d") # This is from your script.
    values = worksheet.get_all_values()
    res = [r for r in values if[searchColumn - 1]) and r[searchColumn - 1][:-5] == search]
    • When this script is run, the values are searched from the column "A". When the searched values are found, the row values are retrieved.


    When you want to retrieve the searched row number, how about the following sample script? In this case, the 1st-row number is 1.

    Sample script:

    searchColumn = 1  # Please set the search column. In this case, it's the column "A".
    search = "22/08" # Please set the search value.
    criteria_re = re.compile("(?<!\d)((((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(3[01]))/(((0?((1[02]?)|([3578]))))|(1[0-2])))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d))/(0?2))|(((0?\d)|([12]\d)|(30))/((0?[2469])|(11))))/((19)|(20))\d\d") # This is from your script.
    values = worksheet.get_all_values()
    res = [i + 1 for i, r in enumerate(values) if[searchColumn - 1]) and r[searchColumn - 1][:-5] == search]