Note about the language: it has classes that can inherit one another. If a descendant class has a function with the same name as a function in an ancestor class, the function in the ancestor class will not run at all for instances of the descendant.
Problem: I want to know what's the best way to create functions that expand on the behaviours of ancestor classes without overriding any of them.
Pseudocode of what I'm doing right now:
class_name Animal
func _doSomething():
#do something common to "Animal"
func _doSomething_descendantOfAnimal():
#no behaviour here, since it will be overridden by descendants
Code for another class extending "Animal"
class_name Feline
extends Animal
func _doSomething_descendantOfAnimal():
#behaviour common to "Feline"
func _doSomething_descendantOfFeline():
#no behaviour here
Code for another class extending "Feline"
class_name HouseCat
extends Feline
func _doSomething_descendantOfFeline():
#behaviour specific to "HouseCat"
This organization means that when I call _doSomething()
on a HouseCat
instance, the behaviours common to Animal
and Feline
will run in addition to any specific behaviour of HouseCat
itself. Nevertheless, I feel like there is a cleaner, more efficient way to do things. One that doesn't require me to add a blank function (like _doSomething_descendantOfFeline()
) to each class that can possibly be extended by another, for example.
What you would usually do is the following: have the function override the function of parent class, with code that calls the function of parent class. GDScript syntax for it is .
. For GDScript 2.0 in Godot 4, it is super.
Example from the official documentation for Godot 4.1:
func some_func(x):
super(x) # Calls the same function on the parent class.
See GDScript basics: class inheritance (latest stable version).
Godot 3.6 example:
func some_func(x):
.some_func(x) # Calls the same function on the parent class.