This is the code I have right now:
extends Control
var _handles:Array = [];
var _handleSize:int = 10;
var _mouseOverHandleIndex = -1;
var _draggingHandleIndex = -1;
class Handle:
enum MovementConstraint { Horizontal, Vertical, Both, None}
var _movementConstraint: MovementConstraint = MovementConstraint.Both;
var _position: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO;
func init(position:Vector2, movementConstraint: MovementConstraint):
_position = position;
_movementConstraint = MovementConstraint;
Godot parser is complaining about "The indentifier 'MovementConstraint' isn't a valid type (not a script or class), or couldn't be found on base self."
I have tried to move the enum outside (into he parent class space) but same thing happens.
The issue is that a GDScript enum is a collection of constants (and a dictionary to access them, if the enum is named). So there are not really variables which type is the enum. Instead they are int
. And yes, that also means Godot won't complain if set a value that is not from the enum you expect (you could add validation by defining a custom setter with setget