I want to add a column to a dataframe based on row contents. (The array is the result of .melt
.) The selection column variables are in a list.
How can I form the selection programatically using the list?
# cols = df.columns.tolist()[:3]
cols = ['height', 'weight', 'volume']
np.select([data.variable == 'height', data.variable == 'weight', data.variable == 'volume'], ['tall', '', 'bulky'], default='')
A string is easily formed but it is not the correct parameter type.
np_cols = ['data.variable == \'' + c + '\'' for c in cols]
# ["data.variable == 'height'", "data.variable == 'weight'", "data.variable == 'volume'"]
Full code shows extra column based on row selection:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
['note', '', '', 'tall','','bulky'],
['TAE', 'B', 2020, 127, 338, 168],
['NQZ', 'A', 2020, 578, 85, 310],
['NQZ', 'Q', 2020, 196, 17, 10],
columns=['airport', 'ver', 'year', 'height', 'weight', 'volume'],
index_cols = ['airport', 'ver', 'year']
original_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(df[index_cols])
data = (
.melt(id_vars=original_index.names, var_name='variable', value_name='value')
data = data[(data.airport != 'note')]
data['note'] = np.select([data.variable == 'height', data.variable == 'weight', data.variable == 'volume'], ['tall', '', 'bulky'], default='')
airport ver year variable value note
3 TAE B 2020 height 127 tall
4 TAE B 2020 weight 338
5 TAE B 2020 volume 168 bulky
6 NQZ A 2020 height 578 tall
7 NQZ A 2020 weight 85
8 NQZ A 2020 volume 310 bulky
9 NQZ Q 2020 height 196 tall
10 NQZ Q 2020 weight 17
11 NQZ Q 2020 volume 10 bulky
Thank you to the good people at https://www.pythondiscord.com/
Form a dictionary:
from_ = df.columns.tolist()[3:]
to_ = df.loc[df['airport'] == 'note'].values.flatten().tolist()[3:]
# from_ = ['height', 'weight', 'volume']
# to_ = ['tall', '', 'bulky']
data["note"] = data["variable"].map(dict(zip(from_, to_))).fillna("")
Shown in full code:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
['note', '', '', 'tall','','bulky'],
['TAE', 'B', 2020, 127, 338, 168],
['NQZ', 'A', 2020, 578, 85, 310],
['NQZ', 'Q', 2020, 196, 17, 10],
columns=['airport', 'ver', 'year', 'height', 'weight', 'volume'],
index_cols = ['airport', 'ver', 'year']
original_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(df[index_cols])
data = (
.melt(id_vars=original_index.names, var_name='variable', value_name='value')
data = data[(data.airport != 'note')]
# data['note'] = np.select([data.variable == 'height', data.variable == 'weight', data.variable == 'volume'], ['tall', '', 'bulky'], default='')
from_ = df.columns.tolist()[3:]
to_ = df.loc[df['airport'] == 'note'].values.flatten().tolist()[3:]
data["note"] = data["variable"].map(dict(zip(from_, to_))).fillna("")
Output is identical:
airport ver year variable value note
3 TAE B 2020 height 127 tall
4 TAE B 2020 weight 338
5 TAE B 2020 volume 168 bulky
6 NQZ A 2020 height 578 tall
7 NQZ A 2020 weight 85
8 NQZ A 2020 volume 310 bulky
9 NQZ Q 2020 height 196 tall
10 NQZ Q 2020 weight 17
11 NQZ Q 2020 volume 10 bulky