I have a table similar to:
Date | Person | Distance |
2022/01/01 | John | 15 |
2022/01/02 | John | 0 |
2022/01/03 | John | 0 |
2022/01/04 | John | 0 |
2022/01/05 | John | 19 |
2022/01/01 | Pete | 25 |
2022/01/02 | Pete | 12 |
2022/01/03 | Pete | 0 |
2022/01/04 | Pete | 0 |
2022/01/05 | Pete | 1 |
I want to find all persons who have a distance of 0 for 3 or more consecutive days. So in the above, it must return John and the count of the days with a zero distance. I.e.
Person | Consecutive Days with Zero |
John | 3 |
I'm looking at something like this, but I think this might be way off:
Select Person, count(*),
(row_number() over (partition by Person, Date order by Person, Date))
from mytable
Provided I understand your requirement you could, for your sample data, just calculate the difference in days of a windowed min/max date:
select distinct Person, Consecutive from (
select *, DateDiff(day,
Min(date) over(partition by person),
Max(date) over(partition by person)
) + 1 Consecutive
from t
where distance = 0
where Consecutive >= 3;
Example Fiddle
If you can have gaps in the dates you could try the following that only considers rows with 1 day between each date (and could probably be simplified):
with c as (
select *, Row_Number() over (partition by person order by date) rn,
DateDiff(day, Lag(date) over(partition by person order by date), date) c
from t
where distance = 0
), g as (
select Person, rn - Row_Number() over(partition by person, c order by date) grp
from c
select person, Count(*) + 1 consecutive
from g
group by person, grp
having Count(*) >= 2;