So I'm looking at something similar to this:
"test": "string",
"data": {
"name": "",
"description": "string",
Adding general headers is fine:
NCLient3.QueryString.Add("test", "Test string")
But for data -> name and data -> description, how would I do it in this regard as it's an array?
Well, First, this is not a valid JSON.
"test": "string",
"data": {
"name": "",
"description": "string"
You can get their values using Linq.
Dim json As String = "{'test': 'string','data': {'name': '','description': 'string'}}"
Dim jsn = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json)
Dim finalvalue As String = jsn.GetValue("data").Item("description").ToString()
and you'll get the value => string