I'm running a spline interpolation on two small arrays in Fortran, it works but I get numbers that are either a bit off or really off.
Can anybody tell me if I made any mistakes in the logic or the formulas?
SUBROUTINE spline(x, y, n, y1, yn, y2)
! =====================================================
! Input x and y=f(x), n (dimension of x,y), (Ordered)
! y1 and yn are the first derivatives of f in the 1st point and the n-th
! Output: array y2(n) containing second derivatives of f(x_i)
! =====================================================
INTEGER:: n, i, j
INTEGER, PARAMETER:: n_max = 500
REAL*8, INTENT(in):: x(n), y(n), y1, yn
REAL*8, INTENT(out):: y2(n)
REAL*8:: p, qn, sig, un, u(n)
IF (y1 > .99e30) THEN ! natural spline conditions
y2(1) = 0
u(1) = 0
y2(1) = -0.5
u(1) = (3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-y1)
DO i = 2, n-1 ! tridiag. decomposition
sig = (x(i)-(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
p = sig*y2(i-1)+2.
y2(i) = (sig-1.)/p
IF (yn > .99e30) THEN ! natural spline conditions
qn = 0
un = 0
qn = 0.5
DO j = n-1, 1, -1 ! backwards substitution tri-diagonale
y2(j) = y2(j)*y2(j+1)+u(j)
SUBROUTINE splint(x_in, y_in, spline_res, n, x_0, y_final)
! =====================================================
! Subroutine that does the actual interpolation
! Input arrays of x_in and y_in=f(x), spline_res is the result of
! the 'spline' subroutine, x_0 is the corresponding value we are looking for
! i.e. (time_at_max in hubble), y_final is the output result
! =====================================================
INTEGER:: n, k, k_low, k_high
REAL*8, INTENT(in):: x_in(n), y_in(n), spline_res(n), x_0
REAL*8, INTENT(out):: y_final
REAL*8:: a, b, h
k_low = 1
k_high = n
99 IF (k_high - k_low > 1) THEN
k = (k_high + k_low) / 2
IF (x_in(k) > x_0) THEN
k_high = k
k_low = k
h = x_in(k_high) - x_in(k_low)
IF (h == 0) STOP "Bad x_in input"
a = (x_in(k_high)-x_0)/h
b = (x_0 - x_in(k_low))/h
y_final = a*y_in(k_low)+b*y_in(k_high)+((a**3-a)*spline_res(k_low)+(b**3-b)*spline_res(k_high))*(h**2)/6
SUBROUTINE spline_interp(x, y, n, x0, y_out)
! =====================================================
! Simply merging spline and splint in one subroutine
! input x and y and get y_out at x0
! =====================================================
REAL*8, INTENT(in):: x(n), y(n), x0
REAL*8, INTENT(out):: y_out
REAL*8:: y1, yn, res(n)
! natural conditions attempt, change if not working well
y1 = 0.5
yn = 0.5
CALL spline(x, y, n, y1, yn, res)
CALL splint(x, y, res, n, x0, y_out)
END SUBROUTINE spline_interp
I'm then trying to interpolate the time of maximum brightness of a supernova, having the time of observation and the magnitudes at each moment:
Time (JD): 53682.03732 53683.04882 53684.08633 53687.03535 53689.11806 53690.06398 53694.10385 53695.10682 53698.06705 53699.09681 53702.10265 53706.12631 53716.10135 53721.06836 53726.0874 53730.07961 53738.03101 53746.03825 53755.03675
Mag in b band: 17.117 17.015 16.935 16.838 16.863 16.903 17.167 17.25 17.562 17.664 18.045 18.583 19.37 19.713 19.945 20.141 20.328 20.357 20.547
As you can see from the light curve, the supernova was at peak brightness at 53687.03535, but the interpolation is giving me 53639.43568130193.
Even worse, I also need to interpolate the brightness 15 days after the peak, which looks like should be around 18.5 mag; but instead I'm getting this random number: -5142981.630692291
What's wrong with my spline?
Thank for your help and sorry for the long post guys <3
The data provided is not indicative of the chart shown
So I am going to answer based on synthetic fake data that I made up for this example.
with the code
The program uses the code from the NR book, and the question above, and put it into a module called mod_splines
for usability purposes. This way it can be easily extended.
program FortranConsoleSpline
use mod_splines
implicit none
! Variables
real(wp), allocatable :: xi(:), yi(:), h, x, y, yp
type(spline) :: sp
integer :: i, n
! compile with /fpconstant
xi = [0.0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0,1.25,1.5,1.75,2.0]
yi = [18.0,18.4921875,18.9375,19.2890625,19.5,19.5234375,19.3125,18.8203125,18.0]
print *, 'Cubic Spline Interpolation Demo'
n = 11
h = (xi(size(xi))-xi(1))/(n-1)
sp = spline(xi, yi)
print *, ""
print '(1x,a6,1x,a18,1x,a18,1x,a18)', "Index", "x", "y", "yp"
do i=0,n-1
x = xi(1) + i*h
y = sp%value(x)
yp = sp%slope(x)
print '(1x,i6,1x,g18.11,1x,g18.6,1x,g18.6)', i, x, y, yp
end do
print *, ""
x = sp%extrema()
i = sp%indexof(x)
y = sp%value(x)
yp = sp%slope(x)
print *, "Local Extrema"
print '(1x,a6,1x,a18,1x,a18,1x,a18)', "Index", "x", "y", "yp"
print '(1x,i6,1x,g18.11,1x,g18.6,1x,g18.6)', i, x, y, yp
end program FortranConsoleSpline
The code has been extended by using a bisection method to find the local min/max of the cubic spline. I could have used a direct evaluation by solving the quadratic equation, but this is fast enough.
The result below finds the maximum point at x=1.1857554913
Cubic Spline Interpolation Demo
Index x y yp
0 0.0000000000 18.0000 2.06799
1 0.20000000000 18.4009 1.87745
2 0.40000000000 18.7637 1.73300
3 0.60000000000 19.0861 1.47687
4 0.80000000000 19.3398 0.943939
5 1.0000000000 19.5000 0.209478
6 1.2000000000 19.5304 -0.461936E-01
7 1.4000000000 19.4106 -0.938651
8 1.6000000000 19.1328 -1.85224
9 1.8000000000 18.6726 -3.07239
10 2.0000000000 18.0000 -3.50827
Local Extrema
Index x y yp
5 1.1857554913 19.5308 0.738816E-07
As you can see the slope at the maximum point is about 1e-7
Here is the module I created for this demo. The spline coefficients are calculated using the spline(x,y)
interface (for natural spline) or spline(x,y,dy_1,dy_n)
for known end slopes.
The spline coefficients are stored together with the input (x,y)
nodes in a user-defined type called spline
Evaluation of the spline, and its derivatives are done with value(x)
, slope(x)
and slope2(x)
type bound methods.
Additional auxiliary methods are indexof(x)
to find the integer index where x(i) <= x < x(i+1)
, and extrema()
which as mentioned above uses a bisection to find the x
value where the slope is nearest zero.
module mod_splines
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer, parameter :: wp = real64
real(wp), parameter :: big = 1e30_wp, tiny=1/big
type :: spline
real(wp), allocatable :: x(:), y(:), y2(:)
procedure :: indexof => sp_index_of_x
procedure :: value => sp_interpolate_value
procedure :: slope => sp_interpolate_slope
procedure :: slope2 => sp_interpolate_slope2
procedure :: extrema => sp_find_local_extrema
end type
interface spline
module procedure :: sp_calculate_from_data
end interface
pure function sp_calculate_from_data(x,y,y1_slope,yn_slope) result(sp)
! =====================================================
! Input x and y=f(x), n (dimension of x,y), (Ordered)
! y1 and yn are the first derivatives of f in the 1st point and the n-th
! Output: array y2(n) containing second derivatives of f(x_i)
! =====================================================
type(spline) :: sp
real(wp), intent(in) :: x(:), y(:)
real(wp) :: y2(size(y))
real(wp), optional, intent(in) :: y1_slope, yn_slope
real(wp):: p, qn, sig, un, u(size(y))
INTEGER:: n, i, j
n = size(y)
IF (present(y1_slope)) THEN ! natural spline conditions
y2(1) = -0.5
u(1) = (3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-y1_slope)
y2(1) = 0
u(1) = 0
DO i = 2, n-1 ! tridiag. decomposition
sig = (x(i)-(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
p = sig*y2(i-1)+2.
y2(i) = (sig-1.)/p
IF (present(yn_slope)) THEN ! natural spline conditions
qn = 0.5
qn = 0
un = 0
DO j = n-1, 1, -1 ! backwards substitution tri-diagonale
y2(j) = y2(j)*y2(j+1)+u(j)
sp%x = x
sp%y = y
sp%y2 = y2
end function sp_calculate_from_data
elemental function sp_index_of_x(sp,x) result(k_low)
class(spline), intent(in) :: sp
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
integer:: n, k, k_low, k_high
n = size(sp%y)
k_low = 1
k_high = n
if(x<sp%x(k_low)) then
elseif (x>sp%x(k_high)) then
k_low = k_high-1
end if
do while(k_high - k_low > 1)
k = (k_high + k_low) / 2
IF (sp%x(k) > x) THEN
k_high = k
k_low = k
end do
end function
elemental function sp_interpolate_value(sp,x) result(y)
! =====================================================
! Subroutine that does the actual interpolation
! Input arrays of x_in and y_in=f(x), spline_res is the result of
! the 'spline' subroutine, x is the corresponding value we are looking for
! i.e. (time_at_max in hubble), y is the output result
! =====================================================
class(spline), intent(in) :: sp
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
real(wp) :: y
integer:: n, k
real(wp):: a, b, c, d, h, t
n = size(sp%y)
k= sp%indexof(x)
h = sp%x(k+1) - sp%x(k)
IF (h == 0) error STOP "Bad x input"
t = (x-sp%x(k))/h
a = 1-t
b = t
if( x>=sp%x(k) .and. x<=sp%x(k+1)) then
! Cubic inside the interval
c = (a**3-a)*(h**2)/6
d = (b**3-b)*(h**2)/6
! Linear outside the interval
c = 0.0_wp
d = 0.0_wp
end if
y = a*sp%y(k)+b*sp%y(k+1)+c*sp%y2(k)+d*sp%y2(k+1)
end function sp_interpolate_value
elemental function sp_interpolate_slope(sp,x) result(yp)
! =====================================================
! Subroutine that does the actual interpolation
! Input arrays of x_in and y_in=f(x), spline_res is the result of
! the 'spline' subroutine, x is the corresponding value we are looking for
! i.e. (time_at_max in hubble), yp is the output result slope
! =====================================================
class(spline), intent(in) :: sp
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
real(wp) :: yp
integer:: n, k
real(wp):: a, b, c, d, h, t
n = size(sp%y)
k= sp%indexof(x)
h = sp%x(k+1) - sp%x(k)
IF (h == 0) error STOP "Bad x input"
t = (x-sp%x(k))/h
a = -1/h
b = 1/h
if( x>=sp%x(k) .and. x<=sp%x(k+1)) then
! Cubic inside the interval
c = (1-3*(1-t)**2)*(h/6)
d = (3*t**2-1)*(h/6)
! Linear outside the interval
c = 0.0_wp
d = 0.0_wp
end if
yp = a*sp%y(k)+b*sp%y(k+1)+c*sp%y2(k)+d*sp%y2(k+1)
end function sp_interpolate_slope
elemental function sp_interpolate_slope2(sp,x) result(yp2)
! =====================================================
! Subroutine that does the actual interpolation
! Input arrays of x_in and y_in=f(x), spline_res is the result of
! the 'spline' subroutine, x is the corresponding value we are looking for
! i.e. (time_at_max in hubble), yp is the output result 2nd slope
! =====================================================
class(spline), intent(in) :: sp
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
real(wp) :: yp2
integer:: n, k
real(wp):: a, b, c, d, h, t
n = size(sp%y)
k= sp%indexof(x)
h = sp%x(k+1) - sp%x(k)
IF (h == 0) error STOP "Bad x input"
t = (x-sp%x(k))/h
a = 0.0_wp
b = 0.0_wp
if( x>=sp%x(k) .and. x<=sp%x(k+1)) then
! Cubic inside the interval
c = 1-t
d = t
! Linear outside the interval
c = 0.0_wp
d = 0.0_wp
end if
yp2 = a*sp%y(k)+b*sp%y(k+1)+c*sp%y2(k)+d*sp%y2(k+1)
end function sp_interpolate_slope2
pure function sp_find_local_extrema(sp, x_low, x_high) result(x)
class(spline), intent(in) :: sp
real(wp) :: x
real(wp), intent(in), optional :: x_low, x_high
integer :: n, k1, k2
real(wp) :: x1, x2, yp1, yp2, h, tol, yp
n = size(sp%y)
if(present(x_low)) then
x1 = x_low
x1 = sp%x(1)
end if
if(present(x_high)) then
x2 = x_high
x2 = sp%x(n)
end if
h = x2 - x1
tol = h/(2**23)
yp1 = sp_interpolate_slope(sp, x1)
yp2 = sp_interpolate_slope(sp, x2)
if( yp1*yp2 > 0 ) then
! no solution
if( yp1>0 ) then
x = big
x = tiny
end if
end if
do while (x2-x1>tol)
x = (x1+x2)/2
yp = sp_interpolate_slope(sp, x)
if( yp1*yp > 0) then
x1 = x
yp1 = yp
x2 = x
yp2 = yp
end if
end do
end function
end module mod_splines