While working on a sales report for an entertainment company ( bars and nightclubs), I normally just sum sales and I get the daily sum of sales. but I was communicated that their business day starts at 6 am of each and closes at 5:59:59 am the next day. basically sales reported Monday are the sales from 6 am Sunday thru 5:59:59 am Monday. the company operates throughout the US so we have multiple time zones as well the table has the following columns: Transaction id, location, Transaction_datetimeLocal, TransactionDateTimeUTC, Transaction amount how do I define / filter the calculation to be from 6am one day to 5:59:59 am the next day USING Power BI / DAX
In Power BI you have your table with the local time. You need to add a calculated column with the following DAX formula:
Business Time = 'Table'[Local Time] - TIME(6, 0, 0)
From this new column you could the create your business date with
Business Date = 'Table'[Business Time].[Date]