I face a problem where I need to sort by table field in a case-insensitive order but without modifying it in a selection.
I have data like this in my table.
Song | Band | Genre |
Event Horizon | Wildways | Metalcore |
Doppelganger | palach | Rap |
Gone With the Wind | Architects | Metalcore |
Chelsea's Smile | Bring Me the Horizon | Death core |
1984 | Louna | Alternative rock |
Bye-bye kitty | playingtheangel | Rap |
Deliverance | DSHMC | Metalcore |
Anyway | Magnum | Rap |
crybaby | aikko | Rap |
I have a model like
import { Entity, PrimaryColumn, Column } from 'typeorm';
export class SongEntity {
public id: number;
name: 'Name',
public name: string;
name: 'Band',
public band: string;
name: 'Genre',
public genre: string;
I want to be able to sort data in a case-insensitive mode but leave data as is. For example, when I sort in by band
in ascending mode, using the following code.
order: {
band: "ASC",
I want to receive the following output.
Band |
aikko |
Architects |
Bring Me the Horizon |
Louna |
Magnum |
palach |
playingtheangel |
Wildways |
However, I receive the next output, because bands are sorted in a case-sensitive mode.
Band |
Architects |
Bring Me the Horizon |
Louna |
Magnum |
Wildways |
aikko |
palach |
playingtheangel |
In plain SQL, it's possible to use via lowering field in order condition https://stackoverflow.com/a/2413436/6625548. However, I don't see any option in docs on how to do it via entity repository in the find condition.
What is the right way to do case-insensitive ordering in typeorm?
Comment as full answer:
TypeORM does not have an option for this.
Similiar to https://stackoverflow.com/a/62897893/6459327, you can use QueryBuilder
and integrated function of your database to compare and sort everything lower-case.
const songs = await songRepository.createQueryBuilder('songs').select('songs').orderBy('LOWER(songs.band)', 'ASC').getMany();