Please someone can explain me why if i put the closing tag in a new line and i put a comment between one button and another the white space between the buttons isn’t and the button is positioned side by side the other? Otherwise between a button and another a little white space is rendered, like the second and the third one. Can a comment change how an element is rendered by the browser?
Like this:
<div class="segmented-control__row">
class="segmented-control__button segmented-control__button--active js-segmented-control__button"
Sort by price</button
class="segmented-control__button js-segmented-control__button"
Sort by name
class="segmented-control__button js-segmented-control__button"
Sort by relevance
the first one is with comment the second without. This is the result.
Thank you
In HTML, whitespace isn't entirely ignored. A lot of whitespace (newlines, tabs, spaces) will be reduced to a single space, but that space can sometimes cause problems with your layout.
One option is to remove the whitespace entirely, and have the HTML on a single line.
Another option, the one you came across, is to use a comment. By placing the whitespace inside a comment, it won't be rendered and mess with your layout.
Info on whitespace in HTML: