I'm trying to prevent the pynput framework when my GUI is in background. I'm using pynput to make shortcuts for some buttons. I use PyQT5 for GUI.
from pytube import YouTube
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror as hata, showinfo as bilgi, showwarning as uyari, askyesno as soru
from sys import argv, exit as exiting
from threading import Thread as th
from GUI import *
from numpy import arange as range
import sqlite3 as sql
import youtube_dl
import vlc
import time
import os
from pynput.keyboard import Listener
from keyboard import is_pressed as pressed, press
def Listener(self):
def Listener_thread():
with Listener(on_press=self.onpress) as listener:
t1 = th(target=Listener_thread)
def onpress(self, key):
if pressed("ESC"):
os.system(fr"taskkill /f /im {__file__.split(chr(92))[-1]}")
You use the pressed
function from the keyboard
module that listen to keys even if you do not focus the window.
so you have to use the hasFocus()
or self.isActiveWindow()
function from the PYQT5
if pressed("ESC") and self.hasFocus():
os.system(fr"taskkill /f /im {__file__.split(chr(92))[-1]}")
# or
if pressed("ESC") and self.isActiveWindow():
os.system(fr"taskkill /f /im {__file__.split(chr(92))[-1]}")