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Symfony Weblate: Error when pushing component translations

I am using the package m2mtech/weblate-translation-provider to push Symfony translations to a self-hosted Weblate instance.

When calling this command:

bin/console translation:push --domains=messages weblate -vv

I get the following error in the logs:

INFO [http_client] Request: "GET https://WEBLATE_DOMAIN/api/projects/MY_PROJECT/components/"
INFO [http_client] Response: "200 https://WEBLATE_DOMAIN/api/projects/MY_PROJECT/components/"
INFO [http_client] Request: "GET http://WEBLATE_DOMAIN/api/components/MY_PROJECT/messages/translations/"
INFO [http_client] Redirecting: "308 https://WEBLATE_DOMAIN/api/components/MY_PROJECT/messages/translations"
INFO [http_client] Response: "404 https://WEBLATE_DOMAIN/api/components/MY_PROJECT/messages/translations"

In TranslationApi.php line 66:
  Unable to get weblate components translations for messages.

Why does the last URL get a 404 response? Did I set up Weblate incorrectly or am using the command line tool wrong?


  • The second request is using HTTP. You should replace it by HTTPS to prevent the broken redirect.