I want to use a pre-release version of a package (https://test.pypi.org/project/delta-spark/2.1.0rc1/) in my project.
I'm using poetry
to manage my pyproject.toml
. How do I do this?
In other words what is the poetry
equivalent of:
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ delta-spark==2.1.0rc1
I tried:
poetry add delta-spark==2.1.0rc1
poetry add --allow-prereleases delta-spark==2.1.0rc1
Both give: Could not find a matching version of package delta-spark
$ poetry config --local repositories.test-pypi https://test.pypi.org/
$ poetry config --list | fgrep repositories
repositories.test.url = "https://test.pypi.org/"
repositories.test-pypi.url = "https://test.pypi.org/"
$ fgrep -A 3 tool.poetry.source pyproject.toml
name = "test-pypi"
url = "https://test.pypi.org/"
secondary = true
$ poetry add --group dev delta-spark==2.1.0rc1
Could not find a matching version of package delta-spark
This is described here. Basically, you can add the repository via:
poetry config repositories.test https://test.pypi.org/simple/
and then make it available in pyproject.toml
name = "test"
url = "https://test.pypi.org/simple/"
secondary = true
Then adding the dependency should work.