My task is to clear out our Route 53
from all the old Domain names. We have 700 records but only 200 running instances.
I have tried AWS CLI to get the EC2
instances IP address which worked fine.
I can't seem to make a correct query on Route 53
CLI to get just the Domain Names plus the A records.
Ideally, I'd get both in a CSV format then use python to compare them.
Here is one of the Route 53
queries I tried:
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id XXXX --output text --query 'ResourceRecordSets[*].[Name,ResourceRecords[*]]' | sed -E 's/\s+/,/g' > domains.csv
As suggested by Mark B, use python and boto3.
This is by no means perfect and you should probably add some more filtering by type etc but it's a start. I hope it helps you in the right direction.
import boto3
import json
r53 = boto3.client('route53')
for r in result["ResourceRecordSets"]:
output = r["Name"]
for o in r["ResourceRecords"]:
output += ","+o["Value"]
except KeyError: