I want to make a system that allows me to input 2 matrixes, and it output a correct answer. I've gotten it to work with specifically a 1 x 3 * 3 x 2. But I want to make it more open ended. How could I do this?
# 1 x 3 by 3 x 2
def matmul(matA, matB):
p1 = matA[0][0] * matB[0][0]
p2 = matA[1][0] * matB[2][0]
p3 = matA[2][0] * matB[4][0]
num1 = p1 + p2 + p3
p1 = matA[0][0] * matB[1][0]
p2 = matA[1][0] * matB[3][0]
p3 = matA[2][0] * matB[5][0]
num2 = p1 + p2 + p3
# Output is a 1 x 2 Matrix
result = [num1, num2]
# ----------------------------------- #
# 1 x 3 Matrix
A = (
# 3 x 2 Matrix
B = (
[-10], [13],
[57], [-37],
[-96], [15]
# Outputs a 1 x 2 Matrix
MatMult(A, B)
# 1 x 3 Matrix
A = [ [5, -5, 10]]
# 3 x 2 Matrix
B = [
[-10, 13],
[57, -37],
[-96, 15]
def mult_matx(A, B):
rowsA = len(A)
colsB = len(B[0])
result = [[0] * colsB for i in range(rowsA)]
for i in range(rowsA):
# iterating by column by B
for j in range(colsB):
# iterating by rows of B
for k in range(len(B)):
result[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j]
for r in result: