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Errors running ng lint on newly created Angular workspace

I have created a new Angular workspace using the following sequence of commands:

npx ng new starwars --prefix ts --routing --style scss
cd starwars
npx ng add @ngrx/store@latest # accepting the defaults
npx ng lint # accepting the installation and the defaults

Then, running ng lint, "All files pass listing.", but I then receive this error:

/Users/someuser/Desktop/toyota-starwars/node_modules/@nrwl/devkit/src/utils/convert-nx-executor.js:54 .next() ^

TypeError: is not a function

Firstly, what on earth is Nx doing in there? And what is causing this error?

I am using node 16.16.0.

The exactly same behaviour happens when

  1. setting up an Angular application in verison 14.1.3
  2. and adding eslint by using "ng add @angular-eslint/schematics" "@nrwl/devkit" is in version "14.5.8"


  • This is a bug in @nrwl/devkit package that the @angular-eslint/builder depends on. It has been reported in their GitHub repo here. A fix has just been merged to master and will probably be included in the next (14.5.9?) release.

    Edit: fix has been published with @angular-eslint/builder v14.0.3 (see comment)