I tried to use the on_commit method as they tell us in the docs, but I still get ModelDoesNotExistError inside the task launched via delay().
class SomeViewset(viewsets.ModelViewset):
@action(detail=True, methods=['post'])
def some_action(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
m = MyModel()
with transaction.atomic():
my_fav_task.delay(m.id, param2, param3))
return Response({"success": True, "operation_id": m.id}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
def my_fav_task(operation_id, **params):
print(operation_id) # We get new id
print(MyModel.objects.all()) # No newly created object here
operation = MyModel.objects.get(id=operation_id) # Error here
My problem was in not obvious usage of different databases between celery and django. Seems that docker containers executing this processes created local db each for their own, because I unwillingly used standard db.sqlite3 without special sharing it. After changing DB settings to postgre, which was running in another container, the following pattern worked:
from django.db import transactions
def view(request):
m = MyModel()
# Execute celery task only after database changes (m.save())
transaction.on_commit(lambda: my_fav_task.delay(m.id, param2, param3))
return Response({"success": True, "operation_id": m.id}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)